It appeared to have been filmed by a hidden camera, in a dressing table in the bedroom of a Moscow flat, apparently used for covert liaisons between the couple. Who was behind the filming is unclear, but the purpose was evidently to embarrass the opposition figures, who are also heard savaging other so-called allies, in an anti-Putin front ahead of upcoming elections.
The release by Kremlin-friendly television channel NTV, is apparently aimed at destroying one of the few opposition leaders, seen as remotely capable of being an alternative president to Putin. But it also attacks and humiliates UK citizen Pelevine, who has been a constant critic of the Russian leadership, especially over its actions in Chechnya and lack of democracy. The NTV screening claimed she regularly travelled to the United States, and was in contact with Senator John McCain, and investment banker William Browder, who has become a leading Western critic of Putin's government.
The film claimed she had been charged last month with a possession of a 'spy pen' with a hidden camera for covert filming. There was no immediate comment from Kasyanov on the footage, while Pelevine was reported as saying, she would take legal action against