यौन सामग्री सम्बन्धि जानकारीको लागि

Heavy flood swept away vehicle with people on it - It is the rule of nature and the nature has done it on its own, therefore no one in the world, even the advance technologies in the world can’t stop it.

The video shows a terrifying moment when a vehicle had been swept away by the floods. The video clearly show the panicking moment in which people were praying for their life. We can clearly hear them praying with God and all were very much conscious to save their life. Natural calamities are something for which no one can be prepared.

They might be able to forecast somehow, they can even predict until when it can last but this prediction are not 100 % accurate. This is done by the nature and only they can predict when it will last for. Though it is a hard time but this is the time for people to be patient and wait.

Wait it to come to an end with peace. Human being can do only that much. These are the natural phenomenon and the people need to be patient and wait for it to stop peacefully.  We live on the Earth and we proudly say that we are the people of 21st century and for us everything is easy. There is nothing that we cannot do and we are the advance people of the advance world.

The proud people of the advanced word but why do we forget that nothing is bigger than the nature and nothing is powerful than the nature. Nature has power to keep people attracted towards its beauty and at the same time when it is aggressive it has power the destroy whole world. It is so powerful that it can destroy anything in few seconds and we have also seen many example of it. 
video here