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Viral Video of a Monkey Annoying a Dog

Likewise with apparently every other theme on the site, an unknown master sprung from the grass roots to detail the interesting, concealed history of prizefights in the middle of canines and monkeys. "A very unordinary battle between two creatures was arranged in Worcester," read his portrayal of one battle, taken from a dark magazine article from 1799.

The wager remained at three guineas, as indicated by which the pooch would kill the monkey in at most six minutes. The puppy's proprietor concurred that the monkey would be permitted to shield itself with a stick around a foot long.

Several onlookers assembled to witness this battle and the chances remained at eight, nine and even ten to one for the puppy, which could barely be curbed before the battle. The monkey's proprietor took a stick, around twelve creeps in length, from his jacket pocket, hurled it to the monkey... video

There's even an outline — titled "Skirmish of the Bulldog and the Monkey" (above) — from 1799.

So who won the battle?