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Top wrestlers died

Another year and, sadly, yet more wrestling deaths. While the rate at which professional wrestlers drop is thankfully decreasing (and they’re no longer mainly in their 30s, 40s and 50s when they do), it seems as though not a year can pass without some major industry figures kicking the bucket.
In 2014 we said goodbye to the likes of cartoon era megastar Ultimate Warrior, one of the biggest ‘what ifs?’ ever in Sean O’Haire, badass nonagenarian Mae Young, the freakish Viscera and others. Some of those deaths, like Warrior’s, happened out of the blue (two nights after a Hall of Fame induction) and truly shocked the wrestling world.
2015 saw some similarly shocking wrestling deaths, which were surprising for different reasons. There were in-ring tragedies, Hall of Famers being taken from us before their time and a hardcore cult hero who died just weeks after undergoing brain surgery. A list of deaths as bizarre and random as professional wrestling itself.
So let’s take a look at them, focusing not just on how they died, but also on what they meant to the wrestling business and why they will be missed. These are nine wrestlers we lost in 2015.video watch