March 5, 2072 radio Hello Nepal, the Nepal Rastra Bank statesman image for the first time coins have been expelled.
Ganesh Man Singh's birth centenary occasion, the Nepal Rastra Bank leader Ganesh Man Singh expelled for the first time the image is going to point to the silver coin.
Ganesh Man Singh Foundation jointly organized by Nepal Rastra Bank and Chirinjivi Nepal Rastra Bank today made public the coin.
Nepal's democratic movement of the late Dr. Singh said a large part of the coin out appreciates his contribution to the nation when the bank happy, he said. He said - "It will be a real tribute to the coin sinhaprati late."
Foundation President Prakash Man Singh Singh has said people who struggle for anyone to forget his contribution not clear. Singh said - "the history of a democratic system and rights of the people for himdaune not compromise individual Singh is
He fought for democracy supreme leader lion evil whim be difficult to find the person mentioned in Nepali politics.
99 percent of the pieces of the lion's memory has been the removal of pure metal, 77 mm wider, 25-gram weight is. It would absorb the delivery will be inflicted Sundhara department and its price at Rs 76, according to the foundation. RSS